Swimming behavior in relation to buoyancy in an open swimbladder fish, the Chinese sturgeon

The swimbladder of fishes is readily compressed by hydrostatic pressure with depth, causing changes in buoyancy. While modern fishes can regulate buoyancy by secreting gases from the blood into the swimbladder, primitive fishes, such as sturgeons, lack this secretion mechanism and rely entirely on air gulped at the surface to inflate the swimbladder. Therefore, sturgeons may experience changes in buoyancy that will affect their behavior at different depths. To test this prediction, we attached data loggers to seven free-ranging Chinese sturgeons Acipenser sinensis in the Yangtze River, China, to monitor their depth utilization, tail-beating activity, swim speed and body inclination. Two distinct, individual-specific, behavioral patterns were observed. Four fish swam at shallow depths (7–31 m), at speeds of 0.5–0.6 m s−1, with ascending and descending movements of 1.0–2.4 m in amplitude. They beat their tails continuously, indicating that their buoyancy was close to neutral with their inflated swimbladders. In addition, their occasional visits to the surface suggest that they gulped air to inflate their swimbladders. The other three fish spent most of their time (88–94%) on the river bottom at a depth of 106–122 m with minimum activity. They occasionally swam upwards at speeds of 0.6–0.8 m s−1 with intense tailbeats before gliding back passively to the bottom, in a manner similar to fishes that lack a swimbladder. Their bladders were probably collapsed by hydrostatic pressure, resulting in negative buoyancy. We conclude that Chinese sturgeons behave according to their buoyancy, which varies with depth due to hydrostatic compression of the swimbladder.

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