A Method for Improving Tasks on Performance Assessments through Field Testing.

One aspect of the development of a performance assessment is addressed--the field testing of the tasks. In a performance-based assessment, the tasks must a:flow each examinee a fair and equal opportunity to give the best possible demonstration of his or her ability, and must elicit a performance sample that enables scorers to evaluate each examinee adequately. A method of field testing is proposed that collects information via two supplemental instruments administered during the field test: (1) on t-ompleted by examinees; and (2) one completed by the field test raters. Each instrument produces quantitative data via machine-readable response forms and qualitative data via written comments. The method is illustrated by field testing four parallel forms in French and Spanish of the Texas Oral Proficiency Test, a performance-based assessment for certification of Spanish, French, and bilingual education teachers in Texas. The field test involved 1C0 examinees and eight raters. The use of the two instruments during field testing allows both examineer and raters to identify poorly functioning items on a performance-based assessment. This method, which encourages examinees and raters to provioe focused written feedback, enables both to be involved in test development and improvement. Three tables present data, and an appendix provides the supplemental data collection forms. (SLD) *************r**************************************************** ***** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. * A Method for Improving Tasks on Performance Assessments through Field Testing U Et DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ONIc ot Educatronet Research end Improvement EDUCAnONAL RESOURCES thFORMATION CENTER tERIC) (91'his document has been reproduced as tecerved from the penal cyr erg/maroon oripnatino r who, Changes have Men made to enemy, reProduetreer gusto, Pants ot rata or (morons stereo 40 this decumere do net necessanty represent Ohne! OERI poart.on O polity "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY kietitiA.D KR TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)."