Collaboration in scientific research: a critical need for freshwater ecology

1. Collaboration means actively working together to achieve things which could not be done alone. This article attempts to provide an overall, unified, guiding framework for collaboration in freshwater ecology by discussing aspects of collaboration at individual and organizational levels, and addressing international linkages. 2. The essential elements of collaboration are communication and trust, and effective project management. Barriers to effective collaboration include competition, organizational cultures and organizational instabilities. 3. The success of collaboration can be measured by tangible benefits such as increased numbers of peer-reviewed publications, the production of working models and a number of intangible benefits. 4. Interactions between individuals lie at the heart of an effective collaboration; organizational arrangements should facilitate this interaction. Some governments are encouraging collaboration to increase cost efficiency and allocate accountability. This trend should continue on an international level. 5. Collaboration is a key to future research in freshwater ecology.