Construction Automation and Robotics

A competitive, market oriented and rationalized construction tomorrow requires developing of automated and robotized construction system today. This includes industrialized process originating in a mining, construction material production, prefabrication of construction components, on site construction, facility management, rehabilitation and recycling. Today’s construction projects are characterizing by short design and build period, increased demands of quality and low cost. These problems can be approached by a flexible automation using robots based on computer assisted planning, engineering and construction management. Especially in high labor cost countries, automated and robotized construction technologies can compensate increasing demand on construction projects. I consider construction robotics technology as a key to rationalization. By automation, increased productivity could reduce high labor cost share of 40 or more percent. Automated and robotized construction process lead to a continuous working time through the year. Introduction of robotic technology would result in better working and health conditions, and advanced mechatronics know how and skills. The reduction of construction time would improve cost benefit analysis of construction project due to faster availability and return on investment of real estate.