Inventory of River Training Structures in Shallow-Draft Waterways

Abstract : The repair of deep- and shallow-draft training structures has continued to be a significant maintenance cost for structures maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers. This maintenance includes the repair of dikes and revetments damaged as a result of ice, floating debris, impact from navigation, or undermining due to flow conditions. There is no guidance generally available to evaluate these damaged structures and to determine when rehabilitation or repair is more cost-effective than replacement of the structure. The objective of this work unit of the Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation (REMR) Research Program is to inventory training structures, document past dike repair work, facilitate technology transfer among Corps Districts through reports and workshops, document current repair methods, and write specific guidelines for structure inspection, evaluation, and repair. In support of this objective, this report locates, identifies, and describes existing Corps-built and -maintained training structures in shallow-draft nontidal-influenced waterways. This report includes a glossary of training structure terms and lists by District all river training structures currently maintained and used by the Corps throughout the continental United States by District, river, river mile where located, and type of dike.