Aerosol Backscatter Profiles at 10.59 and 9.25 Micrometers near Mauna Loa, Hawaii, 1988

The NOAA Doppler lidar trailer was transported from Boulder, Colorado, to the 3.231km level of Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano (lat. 19.55°N, long. 155.56°W) in No-vember 1988 to participate in the NASA-sponsored Mauna Loa Backscatter Intercomparison Experiment (MABIE) for 1988. Our purpose was multifold. Among the aerosol studies our goals were to gather a statistically meaningful set of vertical backscatter pro-files at two wavelengths in the clean Pacific environment, to compare data from several microphysical sensors located at the GMCC observatory 3 km away, to assess the representativeness of the ground-based GMCC samplers with respect to the air mass over-head, and to understand the depth of the upslope and downslope flows that have historically affected the GMCC samplers. We were highly successful on all counts, having gathered 243 vertical profiles at 10.59 gm, 49 profiles at 9.25 vim, 278 GMCC intercom-parisons, and 404 wind profiles and cross sections. Our data-gathering period extended over 24 days through December 11. We calibrated the system on seven different days, usually at both wavelengths, to insure accuracy in our results. We also acquired data close in time to nearby SAGE 11. sampling, and twice took data simultaneously with GMCC's ruby lidar.