Dermatitis und Konjunktivitis nach Kontakt mit dem Saft der Euphorbia myrsinites (Wolfsmilchsaft) : Eine Kasuistik

BACKGROUND: Fresh sap of euphorbiaceae leads to a toxic burn of the skin and the eyes. Since years the sap of euphorbiaceae has been used in the treatment of different kinds of verrucas. PATIENTS: After contact with the sap of Euphorbia myrsinites three children developed a toxic dermatitis. In addition, the youngest girl showed a conjunctivitis and an occlusion of the right eye. Phorbolesters are considered to be responsible for the toxicity of the euphorbiaceae. All three children have resulted in a restitutio ad integrum. CONCLUSION: This case report is demonstrating the danger of toxic burn of this kind of plant.