Mathematical Model of Worm-like Motion Systems with Finite and Infinite Degree of Freedom

This paper presents some theoretical and practical investigations of worm-like motion systems that have the earthworm as live prototype. In the first part of the paper these systems are modeled in form of straight chains of n ≥ 1 interconnected mass points. The ground contact can be described either by non-symmetric dry friction or by unilateral differential constraints. The second part the paper deals with the peristaltic movement of a body due to a wavelike disturbance of the boundary surface. The investigations concentrate on motion in a tube or channel, and on motion on a horizontal plane as well. In both cases the body is modeled as a viscous Newton fluid. The dependence of the massflow through a cross section on disturbance and material data (viscosity, dimensions) is discussed. The paper presents first prototypes of technically implemented artificial worms.