Exploring the Interior of Europa with the Europa Clipper

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[18]  J. Buffo,et al.  Thermal and Chemical Evolution of Small, Shallow Water Bodies in Europa's Ice Shell , 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

[19]  G. Tobie,et al.  Tidally Induced Magmatic Pulses on the Oceanic Floor of Jupiter's Moon Europa , 2021, Geophysical Research Letters.

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[24]  D. Blankenship,et al.  Brine Migration and Impact‐Induced Cryovolcanism on Europa , 2020, Geophysical Research Letters.

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[43]  J. Buffo,et al.  Entrainment and Dynamics of Ocean‐Derived Impurities Within Europa's Ice Shell , 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

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[61]  R. Pappalardo,et al.  Analysis of very-high-resolution Galileo images and implications for resurfacing mechanisms on Europa , 2018, Icarus.

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[63]  M. Kivelson,et al.  Evidence of a plume on Europa from Galileo magnetic and plasma wave signatures , 2018 .

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[69]  Brandon C. Johnson,et al.  Porosity and Salt Content Determine if Subduction Can Occur in Europa's Ice Shell , 2017 .

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[77]  Susana E. Deustua,et al.  Active Cryovolcanism on Europa? , 2017, 1704.04283.

[78]  D. Blankenship,et al.  Assessing the potential for measuring Europa's tidal Love number h 2 using radar sounder and topographic imager data , 2017 .

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