Biopharmaceuticals: Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Preface. Chapter 1. Pharmaceuticals, biologies and biopharmaceuticals. Chapter 2. The drug development process. Chapter 3. The drug manufacturing process. Chapter 4. The cytokines--the interferon family. Chapter 5. Cytokines: interleukins and tumour necrosis factor. Chapter 6. Haemopoietic growth factors. Chapter 7. Growth factors. Chapter 8. Hormones of therapeutic interest. Chapter 9. Blood products and therapeutic enzymes. Chapter 10. Antibodies, vaccines and adjuvants. Chapter 11. Nucleic acid therapeutics. Appendix 1. Biopharmaceuticals thus far approved in the USA or European Union. Appendix 2. Some Internet addresses relevant to the biopharmaceutical sector. Appendix 3. Two selected monographs reproduced from the European Pharmacopoeia with permission from the European Commission: I. Products of recombinant DNA Technology II. Interferon a --2 concentrated solution. Appendix 4. Manufacture of biological medicinal products for human use. (Annex 2 from The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Community, Vol. 4, Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicinal Products). Index.