Genetics For Dummies
Introduction. Part I: Genetics Basics. Chapter 1: What Genetics Is and Why You Need to Know Some. Chapter 2: Celling Out: Basic Cell Biology. Chapter 3: Mendel's Peas Plan: Discovering the Laws of Inheritance. Chapter 4: Law Enforcement: Mendel's Laws Applied to Complex Traits. Chapter 5: The Subject of Sex. Part II: DNA: The Genetic Material. Chapter 6: DNA: The Basis of Life. Chapter 7: Copying Your DNA: Replication. Chapter 8: RNA: Like DNA but Different. Chapter 9: Translating the Genetic Code. Chapter 10: What a Cute Pair of Genes: Gene Expression. Part III: Genetics and Your Health. Chapter 11: Sequencing Your DNA. Chapter 12: Genetic Counseling. Chapter 13: Mutation and Inherited Diseases. Chapter 14: The Genetics of Cancer. Chapter 15: Chromosome Disorders. Chapter 16: No Couch Needed: Gene Therapy. Part IV: Genetics and Your World. Chapter 17: Tracing Human History and the Future of the Planet. Chapter 18: Forensic Genetics: Solving Mysteries Using DNA. Chapter 19: Genetic Makeovers: Fitting New Genes into Plants and Animals. Chapter 20: Cloning: There'll Never Be Another You. Chapter 21: Ethics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Part V: The Part of Tens. Chapter 22: Ten Defining Events in Genetics. Chapter 23: Ten of the Hottest Issues in Genetics. Chapter 24: Ten Terrific Genetics Web Sites. Glossary. Index.