Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies

Part I: Understanding the Nature of Social Phobia. The Diagnosis and Etiology of Social Phobia. Subtypes of Social Phobia, Comorbidity, and Impairment. Cognitive Function in Social Phobia. Dysfunctional Cognitive Processes in Social Phobia. A Cognitive-Behavioral Formulation of Social Phobia (with Ronald M. Rapee and Cynthia L. Turk). Assessment of Social Phobia (with Cynthia L. Turk). Part II: Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: A Treatment Manual. An Overview of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia. The Treatment Orientation Interview. Session 1. Session 2. In-Session Exposures. Integrating Cognitive Restructuring Procedures with In-Session Exposures. Homework Procedures. Sessions 3-12: Putting It All Together and Troubleshooting Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.