철도종합시험운행 결과검토 제도의 효율적 추진방안에 대한 연구
When operating the railway by constructing the new railroad track or improving the conventional line, The risk factors such as poor construction/improvement, reduction of the period of excessive work and etc. for rail safety has remained. In order to protect the public from safety hazards that can occur during operation, the result review system for comprehensive running test was introduced by revising the Railroad Safety Act (’14.3.19 : enforcement). At present the business of result review in 2014~2015 doing business opening has been successfully promoted. As this study, the step-by-step procedures, methods and etc. about comprehensive running test including result review system were compared and analyzed. Also, the year/route business performances were confirmed by investigating the application example of result review system in 2014~2015. The development directions such as revision of the current enforcement guidance and etc. about comprehensive running test were derived