Assessment of knowledge of AWWs regarding growth monitoring and impact of training on their knowledge in Amritsar district of Punjab, India

Background: Present study was planned to assess the existing knowledge and awareness among AWWs about growth monitoring and nutritional status of children and also to evaluate the impact of training on their knowledge.Methods: The study was carried out in the department of community medicine, SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar. A sample of 405 AWWs was selected by using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected by administering a predesigned and pretested Performa to the AWWs before and after each training session. Pre-test and post-test assessment was done to assess the existing knowledge of AWWs and also to evaluate impact of training on their knowledge regarding growth monitoring and nutritional status of children. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 version.Results: The study revealed that majority (72.1%) of the workers fell into the category of poor knowledge and only 4.2% had good knowledge regarding growth monitoring and nutritional status of children before the training session. Age, educational status and work experience of AWWs were found to be significantly associated with their pre-test knowledge. There was statistically significant improvement in the knowledge of AWWs after training. Also, association between education level and post-test knowledge of AWWs was found to be significant.Conclusions: Regular in-service training or refresher training programmes should be organized for AWWs to enhance their knowledge regarding different aspects of ICDS especially growth monitoring and nutritional status.