In Earth Observation, Universe Observation and Planet Exploration, scientific return could be optimized in future missions using MOEMS devices. In Earth Observation, we propose an innovative reconfigurable instrument, a programmable wide-field spectrograph where both the FOV and the spectrum could be tailored thanks to a 2D micromirror array (MMA). For a linear 1D field of view (FOV), the principle is to use a MMA to select the wavelengths by acting on intensity. This component is placed in the focal plane of a first grating. On the MMA surface, the spatial dimension is along one side of the device and for each spatial point, its spectrum is displayed along the perpendicular direction: each spatial and spectral feature of the 1D FOV is then fully adjustable dynamically and/or programmable. A second stage with an identical grating recomposes the beam after wavelengths selection, leading to an output tailored 1D image. A mock-up has been designed, fabricated and tested. The micromirror array is the largest DMD in 2048 x 1080 mirrors format, with a pitch of 13.68μm. A synthetic linear FOV is generated and typical images have been recorded o at the output focal plane of the instrument. By tailoring the DMD, we could modify successfully each pixel of the input image: for example, it is possible to remove bright objects or, for each spatial pixel, modify the spectral signature. The very promising results obtained on the mock-up of the programmable wide-field spectrograph reveal the efficiency of this new instrument concept for Earth Observation.
F Zamkotsian,et al.
Optical characterization of fully programmable MEMS diffraction gratings.
Optics express.
Wilfried Noell,et al.
Micromirrors for multiobject spectroscopy: optical and cryogenic characterization
Wilfried Noell,et al.
Optical MEMS for space spectro-imagers
Other Conferences.
Patrick Lanzoni,et al.
The two-dimensional array of 2048 tilting micromirrors for astronomical spectroscopy
Patrick Lanzoni,et al.
Successful evaluation for space applications of the 2048×1080 DMD
Patrick Lanzoni,et al.
Optical MEMS in space instruments for Earth observation and astronomy
Photonics West - Micro and Nano Fabricated Electromechanical and Optical Components.
Marco Riva,et al.
BATMAN: a DMD-based multi-object spectrograph on Galileo telescope
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.