The Evolution of Space Robotics for NASA Exploration--Future Challenges (特集 世界のロボットプロジェクトとプロジェクト投資戦略)

sion for Space Exploration (hence, "Vision"), NASA has received the charter and challenge of progressively staged human-robotic (H/R) exploration of the Solar System. The Vision encompasses autonomous robotic precursors that will pave the way for safe and durable H/R presence at the Moon, Mars and beyond; the Vision also encompasses the development of an orbital space infrastructure to support. incremental, costeffective deployment of both human and robotic assets deep into space. Robotics and its human interfaces thus address capability needs of future in-space assembly, maintenance, and servicing, also, operations on-and-near planetary bodies. The latter will entail significant elements of science, in situ resource identification and utilization and ultimately sustained human presence. The required capabilities include dexterous H/R work systems and highly agile robotic explorers. Per Fig. 1, mission scenarios include construction and maintenance of complex space instruments/facilities, and long duration robotic operation in new hard-to-access science venues. Anticipated science returns include an unprecedented spectral diversity and resolution of deep space astronomy via high orbit instrument construction, as well as breakthrough in situ science measurements at, and sample return from, diverse solar system surface subsurface, and near-surface atmospheric sites. Critical sub-capabilities include richly detailed 3D machine perception, high precision robot dexterity, allterrain mobility with similar agility over man-made structures. deep subsurface access and sample acqui-