Real-time decoding and display of layered structured video

With the growth of interactive video applications, many representations of video are being developed with the need of data compression, flexibility, and user interactivity in mind. One such representation is structured video which represents moving images in terms of component parts which can be 2D, 2-1/2D, 3D or layered objects. The component parts are composited according to scripting information to produce the desired image sequence. This thesis proposal describes the design and implementation of a flexible video decoder for the decoding, processing and displaying of structured video within the Cheops Imaging System. A number of novel features will be added onto the existing decoding system to accommodate more types of structured video representations. A series of experiments will be conducted to demonstrate the types of video the decoder is capable of supporting and to analyze its performance characteristics. Thesis Supervisor: V. Michael Bove, Jr. Title: Associate Professor of Media Technology This work was supported by the Television of Tomorrow consortium.