Ceres flight model 5 on NPP: Post-launch performance and initial sensor data record validation results

The Clouds and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) program has the objective of developing a Climate Data Record CDR of Earth Radiation Budget measurements. CERES Flight Model 5 was placed in orbit in October 2011 aboard the NPP spacecraft. FM-5 joined the FM-1 and FM-2 aboard the Terra and FM-3 and -4 aboard the Aqua spacecraft to continue the Earth radiation budget CDR. This sensor had been calibrated extensively on the ground. Operations in orbit began with calibrations and validation checks. These results agreed with ground calibrations within 1%. Operations to get data with which to compare FM-5 with FM-1 through -4 and with other radiation budget instruments have begun. These comparisons are necessary to assure a seamless Earth radiation budget CDR.