휴리스틱 기반의 유전 알고리즘을 활용한 경로 탐색 알고리즘
The path-finding algorithm refers to an algorithm for navigating the route order from the current position to the destination in a virtual world in a game. The conventional path-finding algorithm performs graph search based on cost such as A-Star and Dijkstra. A-Star and Dijkstra require movable node and edge data in the world map, so it is difficult to apply online games with lots of map data. In this paper, we provide a Heuristic-based Genetic Algorithm Path-finding(HGAP) using Genetic Algorithm(GA). Genetic Algorithm is a path-finding algorithm applicable to game with variable environment and lots of map data. It seek solutions through mating, crossing, mutation and evolutionary operations without the map data. The proposed algorithm is based on Binary-Coded Genetic Algorithm and searches for a path by performing a heuristic operation that estimates a path to a destination to arrive at a destination more quickly.