Change Management: Implementation of a Process Oriented Management System Based on Business Ideas and Values in a High Technology Company
Total Quality Management (TQM) and Change Management (CM), are continuous improvement processes involving all employees, from the management level to the workshop level in a total integrated effort dedicated to improving the performance at every level in the company. These performance improvements are directed to satisfy perceived cross-functional goals such as quality, cost, technical performance, schedule and human resource development. The Management System developed at Saab Ericsson Space has a customer oriented process approach with focuses on processes that give value to the final products and services to the customer. The processes in SEMS are divided into the three main categories of ‘Core-’, ‘Management-’ and ‘Support-processes’. SEMS is developed in accordance with requirements in the new ISO 9001:2000 standard. The Main Process Map with the 18 processes has an identified Process Manager with a team who is responsible for the monitoring, development and improvement of his or her process, in total there are 58 subprocess maps on three levels. The Management System SEMS is documented in an INTRANET with complete access for all employees. The Management System is continuously improved based on the experience, lessons learned and challenges in the projects and the professional world around Saab Ericsson Space.