Soldier Health and Position Tracking System using GPS and GSM Modem.

Nowadays all nations keep its security at high priority. Wars are being fought for land, water and acquiring the position of most powerful nation. A country’s arm forces consist of three professional uniformed services: the army, the navy, and the air force. Soldiers being the backbone of any armed force usually lose their lives due to lack of medical help when in emergency, also soldiers who are involved in missions or in special operations get straggled on war fields and lose contact with the authorities. To overcome this concerns we had build this project which, using wireless body area sensor network (WBANS) such as temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor etc. will monitor the health status of the soldier whenever required. Also using GPS we can track the soldier’s exact location whenever required. Using oxygen level sensor we can also monitor the environmental condition, so authorities can provide essential aids. The communication is established between the soldiers and authorities via GSM. Any abnormalities in the readings of wireless body area sensor network (WBASNs) is considered as a trigger for GSM to establish the connection between the soldier and base unit and send current location and health status to the receiver. By using all this equipments we had tried to implement the basic guarding system for the soldier in low cost, light weighted, portable and precise device.