A Case Report of Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer Patient Treated with Acupuncture and the Herbal Medicine Gamisipjeon-tang

Objectives: The purpose of this case study is to report the effect of oriental medicine on pressure ulcers. Methods: We treated a patient with a pressure ulcer with acupuncture, Jaungo, and Gamisipjeon-tang. We started with herbal medicine only, and then added the acupuncture treatment after one month. We treated the sore for a total of 4 months. We measured the size and depth of the ulcer and graded it with a National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) score once every two weeks. Results & Conclusions: Even though the wound was not cured completely, the total size of the pressure ulcer was reduced and the NPUAP stage was improved from 4 to 3. Therefore, Korean medicine could be an effective treatment for improving pressure ulcers.