Structural response of painted wood surfaces to changes in ambient relative humidity

Determining the structural response of any object to environmental influences requires the determination of the mechanical and dimensional properties of its materials. In the case of painted wood objects, the materials in question are a variety of paints, hide glues, gessos, and woods. This study measured the mechanical and dimensional properties of several of those materials with the view of determining the failure mechanisms of such composite structures and identifying the factors that assist in reducing and preventing new or additional damage. In examining the materials in question, the study has helped determine allowable relative humidity fluctuations under the worst case conditions of a fully restrained structure. The results of the research program suggest that there are significant allowable fluctuations that restrained artists' materials can undergo without damage. In addition, it has become apparent that extreme changes in environmental moisture are the primary cause of mechanical damage. The allowable fluctuations can be determined by calculating the true swelling coefficients from measured swelling isotherms of a material and measuring their yield points.