Vivência do paciente estomizado: uma contribuição para a assistência de enfermagem

This project was developed aiming to better understand the meanings attributed to ostomy patients' living experiences, to describe their knowledge of self-care, and to identify the importance of nursing guidelines in their adaptation. This research was qualitative in nature, performed with 10 subjects associated to the ostomy patient care program in a Reference Center for Ostomy Patients in Teresina, PI, Brazil. The data was collected through interviews and submitted to content analysis, from which three categories were obtained which outline the changes to the ostomized patient's way of life, their knowledge about self-care, and the orientation received in the adaptation process after an ostomy. We conclude that the ostomy procedure signifies lifestyle alterations and that nursing care through educational activities is indispensable to develop self-care and satisfactory ostomy adaptation. DESCRIPTORS: Ostomy. Self care. Adaptation psychological. Nursing.