Synthetic Fuel Lubricity Evaluations
Abstract : Synthetic fuel designated S-5 was evaluated for fuel lubricity properties in bench scale and rotary injection pump tests. S-5 fuel was evaluated in the BOCLE SLBOCLE and HFRR bench tests. The effect of MlL-PRF-2501 7 additive on S-5 lubricity was determined in the bench tests. Rotary injection pump tests were conducted for up to 500 hours using S-5 fuel and S-5 fuel additized with MlL-PRF-25017. Neat S-5 fuel exhibited poor lubricity in bench screening and in full-scale rotary injection pump evaluations. The addition of MlL-PRF-25017 at recommended treatment rates improved S-5 lubricity to satisfactory levels in the rotary injection pump tests. The SLBOCLE and HFRR bench tests did not detect the lubricity improvement within test repeatabilities when MlL-PRF-25017 was present. The standard BOCLE fuel lubricity test did show reduced wear scar with the additive present.