국내의 이미지 컨설팅 산업과 교육 현황

【This study provides a systematic investigation about objective personal image consulting, tool development and image-making research by analyzing the status of the Korean image-consulting industry and education. For the research, we carried out literature surveys of books on image consulting and previous research reports. In particular, we surveyed image consulting businesses that have internet web sites, and educational institutes. The results of the survey are as follows: First, domestic image consulting businesses in Korea are investigated about 93 private companies and 4 associations. They do the image making, color consulting, and education for individuals and business. Second, professional image consulting education is carried out not only in the 93 private companies, but also in the continuing and professional studies for adults of 10 universities. Furthermore, more then 90 universities have specific academic programs related to the image consulting such as facial management, beauty coordination, cosmetology, stylists, fashion events, broadcasting stylists, and so on. Third, a typical image consulting job is the personal shoppers who assists VIP customers in department stores. Professionals and politicians have personal fashion stylists for their image making. Today, the job has expanded to public fashion therapist. Fourth, the contents of an image consulting education have appeared in similar industries and educations. These contents include fashion styles, personal color analysis, make-up, facial expressions, gestures, perfumes, accessories, etc. This study is based on research on the current Korean image-consulting industry, and will enable follow-up details to be implemented. using the basis of this study for a strategic self-image formation system.】