The history of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ (175 B.C.-A.D. 135)

Introduction 1. Scope and Purpose of the Work 2. Auxiliary Sciences 3. The Sources- The First Period 4. Religious Crisis and Revolution 175-164 B.C. 5. Judas Maccabaeus 164-161 B.C. 6. Jonathan 161-143(2) B.C 7. Simon 143(2)-135(4) B.C. 8. John Hyrcanus I 135(4)-104 b.c. 9. Aristobulus I 104-103 B.C. 10. Alexander Jannaeus 103-76 B.C. 11. Alexandra 76-67 B.C. 12. Aristobulus II 67-63 B.C. The Second Period 13. Hyrcanus II 63-40 B.C. the rise of Antipater and his Sons Phasael and Herod 14. Antigonus 40-37 B.C. 15. Herod the Great37-4 B.C. 16. Disturbances after Herod's Death 4 B.C. 17. From the Death of Herod the Great to Agrippa I 4 B.C.-A.D. 41. 18. Agrippa I A.D. 37, 40, 41-44. 19. The Roman Procurators A.D 44-66 20. The Great War with Rome A.D. 66-74 21. From the Destruction of Jerusalmen to the Downfall of Bar Kokhba/Appendices