Widget Based Position System (WBPS) an innovative mobile Application
WBPS is a project where the goal is to enhance the experience of locating friends and family by using GPS and standard web technology. This has lead to a design consisting of three parts: a mobile client, a repository, a web client, and a map service. The mobile client, which consists of a mobile phone and a GPS receiver, can be used to find the location of family and friends and send sms, when someone is nearby by users to see the real location and positions. These data can be sends it through the communication network to the server from the mobile client to the repository in order to share location & position with others. The information in the repository can be managed and viewed using the web client. This design has been realized in a proof-of-concept implementation to show that such a system is feasible to develop. The mobile client is implemented using J2ME & JavaScript and the repository and the web client is implemented using php & MySQL.
[1] Rick Broida. How to Do Everything with Your GPS , 2003 .