LabVIEW 기반의 MHA 명령방식 비행종단수신기 점검장비 구현

FTSR(Flight Termination System Receiver) is a device that receives a ground command signal to abort a flight mission when abnormal conditions occur in the space launch vehicle. The secure tone command message shall consist of a series of 11 character tone pattern. Each character consists of the sum of two tones which taken from a set of 7 tones defined by IRIG(Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) in the audio frequency range. The MHA(Modified High alphabet) command adds a security feature to the secure tone command by using the predefined difference code. In order to check the function and performance of MHA FTSR, which is under development, for KSLV-Ⅱ, the testbed should have functions of RF signal generation, receiver`s output port monitoring, RS-422 communication and test data management. In this paper, we first briefly introduce MHA command and FTSR interface, and then show the LavVIEW based testbed include its H/W configuration, S/W implementation and test results.