Simultaneous recording of input and output of lateral geniculate neurones.

TO understand the way in which the cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) processes visual information it would be useful to know the number and type of retinal inputs to individual LGN neurones. Using electrical stimulation of the optic nerve Bishop et al.1concluded that an impulse in a single optic nerve fibre is sufficient to excite a single LGN neurone. From the appearance of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded essentially intracellularly, Creutzfeldt suggested that LGN neurones are driven by perhaps one2 or a few3 retinal ganglion cells. Hubel and Wiesel4 proposed models of convergence of several retinal inputs on single LGN neurones based on analyses of receptive fields. Guillery5 produced anatomical evidence that some types of LGN neurones receive inputs from several different retinal fibres. Now we report direct observations which were made by recording simultaneously from single LGN neurones and from individual retinal ganglion cells which provided excitatory input to them. We shall not consider inhibitory influences, which are currently under study.