Asian Eclipse: Exposing the Dark Side of Business in Asia

THE FRAMEWORK The Business of Asian Values Bureaucrats, Bribery, and Bankruptcy Auditing Asia Asia's Corrupted Business Media FAMILIES, FIRMS, AND FORTUNES Merchants of Menace?: Conglomerates Asian-Style Asia's Conglomerates and their Banks Lambs to the Slaughter: Investing in Asia's Stock Markets Polygamy and Family Squabbles ASIA'S TWO GIANTS What's Wrong with Japan? China: Rising Star or Black Hole? THE MINORITY THAT COUNTS Asia's Overseas Chinese KINGS, CRONIES, AND PRESIDENTS Royal Business President of the Country Chairman of the Board President Soeharto and the Fortune 500 Other Politicians Other Businesses Seeking Political Access in the West Shopping for the American President ASIAN ECLIPSE? Asian Eclipse and Beyond Endnotes Bibliography Index.