연구논문 : 비주얼 의류 검색기술을 위한 의류 속성 기반 Annotation 기법 개발

Mobile (smartphone) search engine marketing is increasingly important. Accordingly, the development of visual apparel search technology to obtain easier and faster access to visual information in the apparel field is urgently needed. This study helps establish a proper classifying system for an apparel search after an analysis of search techniques for apparel search applications and existing domestic and overseas apparel sites. An annotation technique is developed in accordance with visual attributes and apparel categories based on collected data obtained by web crawling and apparel images collecting. The categorical composition of apparel is divided into wearing, image and style. The web evaluation site traces the correlations of the apparel category and apparel factors as dependent upon visual attributes. An appraisal team of 10 individuals evaluated 2860 pieces of merchandise images. Data analysis consisted of correlations between apparel, sleeve length and apparel category (based on an average analysis), and correlation between fastener and apparel category (based on an average analysis). The study results can be considered as an epoch-making mobile apparel search system that can contribute to enhancing consumer convenience since it enables an effective search of type, price, distributor, and apparel image by a mobile photographing of the wearing state.