Due to the development of information and communication technologies, there is a growing dependence on the computer. Based on the accidents occurred in the country, this dependence means that if people have a problem in terms of cyber security, it will cause great confusion nationally. Even though there are a lot of security solutions to prevent it, security incidents have continued to occur because the number of solutions confined to a specific function have duplication and vulnerability. In order to overcome the limitation of the information security environment, it has been proposed an inspection system using the SDN of the new concept. In this paper, we will propose log analysis system to be applied within the inspection system using these SDN.
Nick McKeown,et al.
Software defined mobile networks
MobiHoc '09.
Youngseok Lee,et al.
An Internet traffic analysis method with MapReduce
2010 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium Workshops.
Keith Kirkpatrick,et al.
Software-defined networking
Sanjay Ghemawat,et al.
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
Moon-Seog Jun,et al.
Analysis of Security Vulnerability on Firewall Logging Mechanism against DDoS Attack