We studied the incidence, survival, and risk factors for mortality in a cohort of infants for a period of five years, born in two hospitals, one a second-level General Hospital, the second a tertiary perinatal hospital, both in the City of Toluca. The analysis of survival was performed with the Kaplan-Meier method, and Cox regression was used to estimate the risk of death according to different factors. We found an overall incidence of 7.4 per 1,000 live births; in preterm infants, the rate was 35.6 per 1,000, and in term newborns it was 3.68 per 1,000. The most common heart disease was the ductus arteriosus in the overall group and in preterm infants; in term newborns the most common was the atrial septal defect. The specific mortality was 18.64%, follow-up was 579 days, where we found, according to Kaplan-Meier, survival of an average of 437.92 days, with 95% confidence intervals of 393.25 to 482.6 days, with a standard error of 22.79 days; the cumulative probability of survival was 0.741, with a standard error of 0.44. In Cox regression, two variables had a high hazard ratio (HR): these were the presence or absence of cyanosis and the hospital where they were treated as newborns.