Classification of Lentigo Maligna at Patient-Level by Means of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Data

Featured Application: This paper focuses on improvement in patient care and it also helps practitioners optimize their dermatology services by means of computer-assisted diagnostic software using data from reflectance confocal microscopy devices. Abstract: Reflectance confocal microscopy is an appropriate tool for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. Compared with dermoscopy, this device can provide abundant information as a mosaic and/or a stack of images. In this particular context, the number of images per patient varied between 2 and 833 images and the objective, ultimately, is to be able to discern between benign and malignant classes. First, this paper evaluated classification at the image level, with the help of handcrafted methods derived from the literature and transfer learning methods. The transfer learning feature extraction methods outperformed the handcrafted feature extraction methods from literature, with a F 1 score value of 0.82. Secondly, this work proposed patient-level supervised methods based on image decisions and a comparison of these with multi-instance learning methods. This study achieved comparable results to those of the dermatologists, with an AUC score of 0.87 for supervised patient diagnosis and an AUC score of 0.88 for multi-instance learning patient diagnosis. According to these results, computer-aided diagnosis methods presented in this paper could be easily used in a clinical context to save time or confirm a diagnosis and can be oriented to detect images of interest. Also, this methodology can be used to serve future works based on multimodality.

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