The introduction of high reliability systems combined with new ways of operating complex systems, particularly in aircraft design and operation has received much attention. Some systems are now being introduced into service, however, justifying such systems on a financial basis is difficult and may act to limit the rate of introduction on new products. Conventional life cycle costing based on a hierarchical cost breakdown structure is poor at recording and analysing the cost implications of introducing new technologies that have effects that span more than one phase in the life cycle. There is a risk that too much emphasis is put on 'faith' that a candidate technology will reduce cost because the cost analysis methods lack descriptive and analytical power. We describe an approach to representing the costs associated with introducing new technologies and evaluating their total cost. Our aim was to facilitate the comparison of different technological choices in new product development, with a particular interest in how the perceived benefits of enhanced reliability systems can be shown in a way that is inclusive, objective and easy to understand.
C J Hockley.
Design for success
D. M. Johnson,et al.
The feasibility and benefits of dynamic reconfiguration in integrated modular avionics
Y. Asiedu,et al.
Product life cycle cost analysis: State of the art review
Jeffrey Alun Jones,et al.
The use of a discrete event simulation to model the achievement of maintenance free operating time for aerospace systems
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. 2001 Proceedings. International Symposium on Product Quality and Integrity (Cat. No.01CH37179).
Paul F. Cini,et al.
Designing for MFOP: towards the autonomous aircraft
J. F. Moore.
Civil integrated modular avionics – a longer‐term view