GaAs TUNNETT diodes oscillating at 430-655 GHz in CW fundamental mode

GaAs TUNNET diodes with 75-nm thick undoped transit-time layer and 14-nm thick n/sup +/ electric-field-inducing layer were fabricated with molecular layer epitaxy. They were oscillating in fundamental-mode metal rectangular resonant cavities of WR-1.5 (0.381 /spl times/ 0.191 mm) and WR-1.2 (0.305 /spl times/ 0.152 mm) types. Continuous wave generation of -53 dBm to -49 dBm, in the frequency range of 430-510GHz, at the bias current from 500 to 560 mA was obtained in the WR-1.5 cavity. In the WR-1.2 cavity, CW generation in the range of 571-655 GHz was obtained with the bias current changing from 460 to 540 mA. Output power was -61dBm at 655 GHz. Frequency range of CW fundamental-mode TUNNETT diodes fabricated with molecular layer epitaxy extends from 60 GHz (+13 dBm) to 655 GHz.