A regional synergy approach to advance sustainable water use: a case study using Kwinana (Western Australia)

Australia is experiencing increasing scarcity of fresh water due to declining rainfall and increased temperatures. Water is a key focus in the Kwinana industrial area, Western Australia's major heavy industrial region, where some 30 companies consume more than 35 000 mega litres per year of fresh water. Over the past decade, significant progress has been made towards the reduction of water consumption and improvements in effluent disposal in Kwinana. Another way to advance sustainable water use is through the realisation of regional synergies. These concern the capture, recovery and reuse of water and energy byproducts from other industries in close proximity. With up to 50 existing synergies already in place, Kwinana is recognised as a world leading example; however, more synergy opportunities appear to exist. Research is being undertaken to further develop synergies in Kwinana and also to deliver a targeted and customised toolkit. This article presents the research results, to date, including an overview of the Kwinana industrial area, and examples of existing water synergies showing their sustainability benefits and success factors.