-4 trariscoding prosy server is a rriiclcllemare interface bettveeii the server and the mobile client: it clecreases the size of the web content by transcoding. thus rediicing the clownloitding t inie ciramat ically. Previoos transcoding pros? systerns can cope only with single content items. e.g.. transcoding the images in the neb page one by one rather than processing the entire page aithin one connection. This research introduces a methocl of web page transcoding. which transcodes the whole web page as one object a t the prosy server. The method makes possible many netv processing techiiicpes that enable a mide range of client requirements regarcling the processing of a web page. for esample. web page re-arrangement. searching and filtering, and dynamic browsing. An adaptive transcoding policy is designed for the web page transcoding. ancl overall optirnization is achieved for the first time. This research des ips a new transcoding proxy server system and implernents it in Java. The results show that the netv software proxy system can decrease the downloading time by 25 times and still make the transcoded web page recognizable.
John R. Smith,et al.
Transcoding Internet content for heterogeneous client devices
ISCAS '98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.98CH36187).
Elliotte Rusty Harold.
Java Network Programming
S. Djorgovski,et al.
From Digitized Images to Online Catalogs: Data Mining a Sky Survey
AI Mag..
Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul,et al.
An active transcoding proxy to support mobile web access
Proceedings Seventeenth IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (Cat. No.98CB36281).
Valerie Quercia.
Internet in a nutshell
S. Leigh,et al.
Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering