Report on the IEEE GRSS\/ISPRS Workshop EarthVision @ CVPR 2015 (Boston, MA) [Technical Committees]

One of the missions of the Image Analysis and Data Fusion Technical Committee (IADF TC) of the IEEE GRSS is to create synergies between the remote sensing data analysis and the pattern recognition / machine learning / computer vision communities. This ought not to be a unidirectional relationship (learning and vision feeding remote sensing) but must be a real synergy, where both communities are aware of each other and interact closely. With this spirit, the IADF TC, in collaboration with the ISPRS Commission III (Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis), has organized a joint workshop about the interfaces and challenges between computer vision and remote sensing. Such workshop was held in the most prestigious international conference in computer vision: the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) conference. Through this workshop, the organizers aimed at fostering collaborations between the two communities (Earth Observation and Vision), on the one hand to boost automated interpretation of EO data and, on the other hand, to raise the awareness and interest in computer vision for the challenges of remote sensing data analysis. We received 34 full papers (8 pages + 1 page of references) and proceeded with a double blind review process. The provenance of the authors and the main keywords of the papers are reported in Fig. 1. Each paper was reviewed by 2 to 3 reviewers (, coming from either the remote sensing or computer vision communities, and finally 11 papers were accepted into the workshop. The acceptance rate was 32%.