Strong coupling among semiconductor quantum dots induced by a metal nanoparticle

Based on cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), we investigate the light-matterinteraction between surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) in a metal nanoparticle (MNP)and the excitons in semiconductor quantum dots (SQDs) in an SQD-MNP coupled system.We propose a quantum transformation method to strongly reveal the exciton energyshift and the modified decay rate of SQD as well as the coupling among SQDs. Toobtain these parameters, a simple system composed of an SQD, an MNP, and a weaksignal light is designed. Furthermore, we consider a model to demonstrate thecoupling of two SQDs mediated by SPP field under two cases. It is shown that two SQDscan be entangled in the presence of MNP. A high concurrence can be achieved, which isthe best evidence that the coupling among SQDs induced by SPP field in MNP. Thisscheme may have the potential applications in all-optical plasmon-enhanced nanoscaledevices.

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