비주거용 건축물을 위한 일체형 지붕 공법의 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구

According to large tendency of construction buildings, it is increase interest and construction demand for large spatial structures. But, roof method of construction of non-residential building is falling behind than other construction methods and there is construction cost increases caused excess design by form deck application of lump standard. And it is need of against the existing inefficiency method that improvement in work by economical method. Therefore, in this study, a unit roofing system is proposed that analyze into problem of exist composition roof method of construction. And the wind load of roof facing into first step for research achievement designed on the basis of construction buildings and as structure examination result is economical section design and available than composition roofing method of construction. Also, a term of works was shortened than estimation result existing method of construction and expense also was reduced.