Coevolutionary learning of neural network ensemble for complex classification tasks

Ensemble approaches to classification have attracted a great deal of interest recently. This paper presents a novel method for designing the neural network ensemble using coevolutionary algorithm. The bootstrap resampling procedure is employed to obtain different training subsets that are used to estimate different component networks of the ensemble. Then the cooperative coevolutionary algorithm is developed to optimize the ensemble model via the divide-and-cooperative mechanism. All component networks are coevolved in parallel in the scheme of interacting co-adapted subpopulations. The fitness of an individual from a particular subpopulation is assessed by associating it with the representatives from other subpopulations. In order to promote the cooperation of all component networks, the proposed method considers both the accuracy and the diversity among the component networks that are evaluated using the multi-objective Pareto optimality measure. A hybrid output-combination method is designed to determine the final ensemble output. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed method is able to obtain neural network ensemble models with better classification accuracy in comparison with currently popular ensemble algorithms.

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