Breast lumps andlymphoma

Summary: Wereport twocases of youngwomenin whoma breast lump wasthe first symptomof disseminated lymphoma. They were managed by wide excision of the affected segments of breast. Histological diagnosis was aided by immunoperoxidase stains for immunoglobulin chains. Furtherinvestigationsdemonstratedthewidespreadnatureofthedisease,withinvolvementofbonemarrow,bonecortex, lymph nodesandlung. Both patients received systemic chemotherapy,whichachievedcompleteremission in one. Introduction The breast is one ofthe rarest sites for extra-nodallymphoma. Mambo et al. (1977) reported the incidence oflymphomatous breast lumps as0.12%ofall malignant breast tumours. Despite its rarity, accurate diagnosis is important as lymphoma, unlike carcinoma, is potentially curable, even if extramam-marydisease is present.Case reports Case IA23year old woman presentedwith a6 dhistoryof an enlarging tender massin herright breast. Duringthepreviousmonthshehadlost 14 kgin weight andwas troubled bypersistent lumbar back pain and numb-