Years of Potential Life Lost Due to Occupational Fatal Injury in the United States

Fatal injury surveillance data coupled with life expectancy data may be used to assess the impact of occupational fatal injuries on years of potential life lost (YPLL). We compare three definitions of YPLL and trends over time in YPLL. Two definitions determine YPLL as expected life lost to fixed life expectancies of 65 or 85 years. The third definition uses actuarial adjustments of life expectancy given survival to a given age stratified by gender and race. Fatalities from the National Traumatic Occupational Fatality (NTOF) database are used to illustrate the three definitions of YPLL. The three YPLL measures were similar in magnitude and direction of the trend in YPLL over 1980-1992. Proper interpretation of these trends can only be made in conjunction with other measures (e.g., rates). Almost all YPLL trends are declining, implying that over time fatal injuries are shifting to older workers. The exception is the increasing trend in YPLL for the retail trade industry, injury rates have also been increas...