PART I: METHODS: Assessing evidence concerning treatment and prevention of diseases of the newborn Statistical methods for analysis of effects of treatment in overviews of randomized trials PART II: INTERVENTIONS: Immediate care of the newborn infant Management of the thermal environment Fluid therapy Feeding the normal term infant: human milk and formula Feeding the low birthweight infant Parenteral feeding Vitamin and mineral supplementation Oxygen administration Mechanical ventilation Supporting parents and promoting attachment Birth asphyxia in the term infant Patent ductus arteriosus Respiratory distress syndrome Other acute lung disorders Recurrent apnea Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Neonatal blood disorders Neonatal infections Part 1: Infection related to nursery care practices Neonatal infections Part 2: Specific infectious diseases and therapies Neonatal jaundice Prevention of periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage Abnormal glucose homeostasis Necrotizing enterocolitis Retinopathy of prematurity.