Plant Leaf Recognition and Classification Based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Random Forest (RF)

Image processing has a vital role to play in current day scenario due to its wide band of advantages and applications such as healthcare, military, scientific and business applications. As such, plant species identification through leaf image is one of the computer vision challenges. In this paper, a method for recognizing and classifying the plant leaves by hybridizing whale optimization algorithm (WOA) and random forest (RF) is proposed. This work is carried out on Swedish and Flavia leaf datasets. Initially, pre-processing is applied to remove noises in data or to enhance its quality, prior to feature extraction. WOA is used to overcome dimensionality problem. Further, the classifier of RF is used to identify the leaf. The proposed method shows a high accuracy of 97.58% with a reduced execution time when compared with other approaches. This investigation ensures better plant leaf classification and recognition for the medical purposes.

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