This paper deals with the estimation of geocenter variations on the basis of SLR data to LAGEOS 1 and 2. The paper describes the SLR data analysis with the DGFI software DOGS. We computed a combined LAGEOS 1 & 2 solution, and in addition two separate solutions using the data of both satellites independently. For the estimation of geocenter variations we applied a geometric and an analytic method. The results obtained from these different approaches were used to assess the accuracy and consistency of the geocenter determination. Finally we compared our estimates with other space geodetic and geophysically derived results. We found a good agreement for the annual amplitudes and phases, whereas the semiannual signals differ significantly.
R. Nerem,et al.
Geophysical interpretation of observed geocenter variations
M. K. Cheng,et al.
Geocenter variations caused by atmosphere, ocean and surface ground water
Byron D. Tapley,et al.
Seasonal variations in low degree zonal harmonics of the Earth's gravity field from satellite laser ranging observations
Horst Müller,et al.
Time evolution of an SLR reference frame
M. Watkins,et al.
Long term changes in the Earth's shape, rotation, and geocenter