초등 실과교육의 대안적 평가 방향 탐색
The purpose of the study was to review the directions of assessment strategies of practical arts education based on the trends of educational assessment. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. As result of reviewing literatures, qualitative approaches of evaluation such as direct assessment, authentic assessment, alternative assessment, performance assessment, portfolio assessment, process-oriented assessment were discussed in recent years. 2. Three assessment strategies of practical arts education in elementary school level were presented in the study as follows: 1) The performance assessment should be applied in practical arts education, because this subject was focused on student's practical capability. 2) The process-oriented assessment instead of the product-oriented assessment should be applied in practical arts education. The reason is that the problem solving method of process-oriented approach was important method in this subject. 3) The self-reflective assessment should be applied in practical arts education, because students have an opportunity the feedback and feedforward from their learning outcomes. Based upon the conclusions of the study, the further researches for applying of performance assessment, process-oriented assessment, self-reflective assessment in Practical Arts education should be studied continually.