BY JOHN FOUNTAI ANND ANDREW LEWINDepartment of Mathematics, University of York, Heslington, York YOl 5DD(Received 12 August 1992; revised December 22 1992)AbstractIn 1966, J. M. Howie characterized the self-maps of a set which can be written as aproduct (under composition) of idempotent self-maps of the same set. In 1967, J. A.Erdos considered the analogous question for linear maps of a finite dimensionalvector space and in 1985, Reynolds and Sullivan solved the problem for linear mapsof an infinite dimensional vector space. Using the concept of independence algebra,the authors gave a common generalization of the results of Howie and Erdos for thecases of finite sets and finite dimensional vector spaces. In the present paper weintroduce strong independence algebras and provide a common generalization of theresults of Howie and Reynolds and Sullivan for the cases of infinite sets and infinitedimensional vector spaces.IntroductionFor a mathematical structure M the set of endomorphisms oiM, which we denoteby End(.M), is a monoid under composition of mappings. We let E denote the set ofnon-identity idempotents of End(M). Over the last twenty five years considerableeffort has been devoted to describing the subsemigroup (Ey generated by E. The firstresults were obtained by Howie in [5] where a set-theoretic description of (E} isgiven when M is simply a set and End(ilf) = T(M) is the full transformationsemigroup on M. To describe when if is an infinite set, we define, for a in T(M),C(oc) = {xeM:\(xcc)a-
J. Howie,et al.
The Subsemigroup Generated By the Idempotents of a Full Transformation Semigroup
W. Narkiewicz,et al.
Independence in a certain class of abstract algebras
George Gratzer,et al.
Universal Algebra
Some subsemigroups of infinite full transformation semigroups
J. Howie.
An introduction to semigroup theory
Mark Reynolds,et al.
Products of idempotent linear transformations
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.
T. Hall.
On regular semigroups
John Fountain,et al.
Products of idempotent endomorphisms of an independence algebra of finite rank